The book covers aspects of the life and works of Shaykh 'Abū al-Hasan 'Alī Nadwī, including his lineage, birth, upbringing, studies, journeys, teachers and key books authored. The biography then details his learning and writings in all aspects of da'wah and education, the journeys he undertook for teaching and spreading Islam, the establishment and mission of Nadwat al-'Ulamā' in India, his leadership of Muslims in India, his handling of contemporary Islamic groups, and the positions and honours he held. The biography ends by describing Shaykh Nadwī's character and death, his physical appearance, common habits, his daily routine and finally his death.
Pages: 314
About the author
Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi is a world-renowned scholar of Indian origin, who received in-depth training in the traditional Islamic disciplines at Nadwat al-Ulama (Lucknow, India) alongside a PhD in Arabic literature from Lucknow University. He spent several years as a Fellow at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies where he conducted research on a number of topics including hadith and Sufi orders in India. He is the author of close to 30 books across the full range of the Islamic Sciences